SPARK: Awakening the Core

After enduring a long Maine winter and with our world growing more intense every day, it’s easy to lose our fire, our potency and our steadiness.  This focused Vinyasa Flow practice is intended to be a powerful–yet loving–and supportive antidote.

What’s this practice about? Think, bandhas (energetic locks), deep core, breath, hips, twists, warmth, confidence-building, energy-stabilizing, and prana-fortifying. This will be a practical application of the idea of utilizing our entire core body (not just the abdominals), and we’ll also take into consideration what we store away that might be creating an imbalance. Through a strong and healthy inner body, we bolster our reserves and remember that our “core essence” is always there no matter what.  Wake up your body and mind as you come out of hibernation!

This practice is suitable for those with a bit of experience using the breath in their practice and we’ll do some work of varying levels of intensity (i.e. you can expect some sweat and vigor in addition to counter-postures and rest).  Beginners with just a little Vinyasa Flow experience, as well as seasoned yogis, will enjoy this practice.

Pre-registration is required.