Rethinking Chaturanga & Beyond: Finding Personal Alignment

Do you practice Vinyasa Flow-based classes?  Have you heard the pose “Chaturanga” offered in class and either cringed or looked around to see what the heck you were supposed to be doing?  Or do you enjoy the pose but are open to an individualized alignment to encourage longevity in your practice?  Yoga’s version of a “low push up” is wrought with challenge and confusion.  Whether you are a new student, a seasoned practitioner, or a teacher, this workshop is for you–even, and especially, if you have taken a similar workshop with me in the past.  This one will be different.

While alignment cues in yoga classes are well-intentioned, they are often steeped in a respect for tradition and what has been handed down over time.  This can be beneficial, but it can also restrict our thinking and the opportunity to switch things up and adapt to our changing bodies, our changing practices over time, and new discoveries in relation to anatomy and yoga.

Common alignment cues for many postures, Chaturanga included, take into account only one type of bone structure—and a rare one at that—and that is not helpful or healthy for most of us.  We feel like we can’t do something well and we don’t know why.  Chaturanga is a shape that requires much strength and control, yet one that we often zip right past and muscle our way through.  Discomfort or injury can knock on our doorstep before we know it and we may not even know how it happened.

In this workshop we will look at each person’s unique structure and offer different ways to set up for a more solid and supported practice that will be healthy for YOU.  We are all unique and our yoga should offer us lots of freedom to accommodate that.  Yes, you might walk away with a new Chaturanga set up.  Or you might not.  But if you are interested in being a true student of yoga—which to me includes observing your habits, patterns, and responses—this is invaluable work.  I would encourage all of my regular students (as well as those who are not regular) to attend.

All levels are welcome to this workshop which will include lecture, discussion, and applied practice.  If you are dealing with shoulder or wrists injuries or issues, you are still welcome to participate as you are able, to listen, take notes and be present to absorb information for your practice. Please email me if you have questions.

Pre-registration is required to attend.