Lighten: Unlocking the Neck, Shoulders, and Heart with Asana, Pranayama & More

Lighten: Unlocking the Neck, Shoulders, and Heart with Asana, Pranayama & More

Wednesday, May 22nd  5:30-7:30PM 

Eden Yoga Shala – in studio only (no virtual option) 

Many of us carry the weight of the world, and a lot of our stress, in the upper body.  The neck, shoulders, chest, and upper back can store up a lot of our physical and emotional tension.

Springtime practices that bring openness to the lungs, chest, neck, and shoulders can be particularly healing. This class will incorporate yoga postures (asanas) to unravel tension in the upper body and front body. Specific breath practices (pranayama) will aim to clear and invigorate the lungs which is very helpful in the springtime.

We will use mantra and meditation near the very last part of practice to uplift and integrate the effects of the practice deep within. My hope is that you walk away feeling lighter and freer – in your body, heart and mind.

Pre-registration is required to attend.  The fee for the 2 hour experience is $30. To pay online via credit/debit card click HERE. If you prefer to pay by cash, Venmo, or check please email me to register/pay. This event has a 48 hour cancelation policy.