Kapha Flow – April 2024
Kapha Flow: A Practice to Support Transition from Winter to Spring
Wednesday, April 24th 5:30-7:30PM – Eden Yoga Shala (in-person only)
Winter can be a lovely time of hibernation and introspection, but when we arrive at springtime (especially in this neck of the woods), our energy can feel mismatched. The natural worlds starts to wake up, but we might have trouble getting on board with the same vibrancy.
The result of this difficulty can show up as an imbalance or upset in the body/mind. In the practice and science of Ayurveda, the doshas (or mind/body types) have a relation to the cycles of the natural world. The dosha of Kapha is connected to the seasons of late winter/early spring. Kapha in balance is stable, strong, consistent, and compassionate. Kapha out of balance may feel slow, sluggish, damp, and low energy.
This slow flow yoga practice will be about balancing the energy of the Kapha dosha, aiding us in moving from one season to the next with ease and vitality of both body and mind. You can expect to move, but also to slow down and pay attention moment by moment via asana, pranayama, rest, and a bit of meditation at the end. Come reconnect to yourself, your yoga practice, and your commitment to your well being.
Online pre-registration is required to join in for this two hour, blissful re-set. This is an in-person/in-studio only event (no virtual option). The investment for the two hours is $30. You can go to the special events section of the web page to register or simply click HERE. If you prefer to pay by Venmo, cash, or check instead – please email me to register.