Yoga & Kirtan w/Live Music w/Beau Lisy & Heather

Yoga & Kirtan w/Live Music w/Beau Lisy & Heather

Wednesday, March 20th 5:30-7:30PM

Beau Lisy and Heather are excited to bring back our much beloved live music and yoga event, but this time with the addition of kirtan (call and response chanting/singing of Sanskrit mantras)!

The first half of this experience will be a short opening chant/invocation followed by yoga asana (postures) both lively and mellow in nature followed by deep rest in Savasana. The second half will be kirtan followed by a short guided meditation.

No experience is required for kirtan – we will teach you these simple mantras that are sure to open the heart and uplift your spirit. Beau will be playing his beautiful style of percussion and Heather will be playing harmonium and leading the mantras for you. You are welcome to listen or to join in. Beau will be playing during our yoga practice as well.

Pre-registration is required to reserve your mat space (link below). The fee for this 2 hour special practice is $35. If you prefer to pay via Venmo, cash, or check instead, please email Heather to register. As we typically sell out ahead of time for this practice and have limited spots available, there is a 48 hour cancellation policy.

We typically offer this just once a year, so don’t miss out! You can sign up HERE.