Tune Your Instrument: Mantra, Pranayama & Flow
The practice of yoga asanas (or postures) is an opportunity to go from the gross to the subtle: listening and feeling from the outside, inward. Mantra and breath practice offer a similar experience (gross listening to subtle awareness) and can have tremendous healing aspects. This special class will combine all three: Pranayama (breath practice), Vinyasa Flow yoga and the chanting of sacred mantras. The structure of the practice will include three sequences and each sequence will have a focus on a particular breath practice, family of postures and corresponding mantra.
I am very excited to bring you this special practice. We will dive more deeply into the listening and feeling of sound and how that vibration can aid us in removing that which is stuck inside. May we practice to remove illusion and uncover the brightest version of ourselves for greater fulfillment in our lives both inside and out.